

标题 : 【SCC-MUS Reading Week 研讨会预告】进入你梦想中的学校: 如何为音乐留学作准备
日期 : 2022/10/26 -
时间 : 11:03 -
地点 : CC320
演讲者 : Professor Tom Stein
语言 :
正文 :

Workshop Description:

Are you planning to pursue an advanced degree abroad in music? Or thinking of transferring to an undergraduate program overseas?

This workshop will provide important information and strategies about how to get accepted to a top college or university music program in the USA.

Professor Tom Stein is from Berklee College of Music in Boston and is new at UIC. He will bring his decades of teaching and admissions consulting experience in higher education to bear in this workshop. Special focus will be on the shortcomings and challenges many students face and how to overcome them.

He will also discuss how advanced music study integrates with career planning in today's music industry.

Come with your questions of if you are just curious about what it really takes to get accepted to a top school!

活动地点 CC320 演讲者 Professor Tom Stein